Thursday, October 15, 2009

Great Video

Here is a great little video showing Dylan's progression as a dancer. The first part of the video was taken several months ago and the second half was done a couple weeks ago, you can definitely tell he has been practicing. The is also proof that when two extremely uncoordinated and virtually helpless dancers have offspring that the child is a potential dancing genius. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Updated Photos

I know it has been a log time since our last update, but we have been very busy with pretty much everything. Jessica has been studying extremely hard for her PE exam which is in a week and a half, so good luck to her. I have been just plugging along working, which has stayed pretty consistent for the past couple of months. The there's our special child. We have been through a lot with Dylan over the past couple of months. I don’t remember what the last update had, so here's what we've done.

Dylan had his adenoids removed and they checked his throat to see if there was any inflammation that could be causing his swallowing issues. We are still having to thicken his liquids. They did not find anything, which was good and bad because we still did not have any answers. We have known that he was allergic to milk and eggs of course, which is very difficult to feed a picky child that is allergic to those, let me tell you. We went and saw the Gastroenterologist and he said that he would like to see us to an MRI on Dylan to see if there maybe any brain issues that could be causing the swallowing issues, and Jessica did some great research and found this thing called EE, don’t ask me to give you the medical terminology, basically it's a clumping of white blood cells in the throat that when an allergic reaction occurs can cause that gagging and vomiting issues that Dylan has had. During this time we decided to make the switch from his goat’s milk to soy. We had had him on goat’s milk because we thought he was fine with it, but he was still having some eczema and congestion issues. Well it took a good week or so to convince him that the soy milk is good and for him to actually drink it. Since then we have been extremely impressed with his progress. He has not vomited once and his eczema is gone, so we think it was the goat’s milk, which makes us really mad as parents because we were actually the cause of the little guy’s problems. We are still going to go ahead with a new swallowing study and the MRI and testing for the EE, just to rule some of that out.

As far as his other progress he is doing well. We had thought that he was possibly undersized and we were concerned that with all the vomiting that he was not getting enough calories and nutrition. We saw a dietician and she calculated that he is getting plenty of calories and gave us some suggestions since he is on a lower fat soy instead of milk, and she also said his height to weight ration is 75% which we never thought of it that way, so that is good. You would be amazed though, that once we switched him to the soy and he hasn’t vomited how quickly he has put on some weight. There for a good month or two stretch he just stayed the same weight, since he had probably put on a half pound or so. He has had the flu or something that past week or so, so he didn’t want to eat much which is understandable, so we regressed a little but thank God the vomiting has gone away for now.

Here is a little slide show of some pictures from the past couple months, we made a trip to Michigan for a family reunion and then visited our friends in Chicago, so there are some nice pictures there. Enjoy.