Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Photos

Sorry it has been so long since we have posted anything new up here. As you are aware a 14 month old can have his tolls on your energy. We have all been really good, I will try and give an update on Dylan, but I may have Jessica add because she understands more than I do.

For a couple of months now we have been going back and forth between pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, ent's, and speech therapy with Dylan, with a trip to the allergist in about a month. We have still been trying to figure out why Dylan would throw up when he ate, either choking or just throwing up. We have always kind of suspected a milk allergy. Shortly after he turned one we started giving him soy toddler formula to see if that helped with his constant congestion, coughing and vomiting, and it did. We then started introducing milk back in slowly, we would always get to about half and half milk and formula and he would get worse again. So we then switched to lactose free milk and formula and he could get to about three quarters milk and the issues would come back. We are currently doing half goats milk and half soy formula and should hopefully bump it up here in a couple of days. This is the reason for going to the allergist in a few weeks.

As far as the other stuff. We took Dylan to the speech therapist on recommendation from the pulmonologist (who we love, he actually will sit with you and talk options), to have a swallowing test done. It turns out that Dylan is aspirating when he drinks liquids, basically the liquid was traveling down his throat and his brain is telling his swallowing reflex to late and he would get fluid in is airway and choke. So once we found that we now have to thicken all of his liquids, water, juice, milk, etc. to nectar consistency. This allows the fluid more time to travel down the throat and his brain to catch up. We have been doing this for over a month now and we make trips every to weeks to the speech therapist so she can watch him eat food and make sure that he is progressing properly. Right now his is having issues with not chewing his food, he seems to take the easy way out and if he can swallow it without chewing he is, and that cause issues with his aspiration as well. The therapist said he is doing better and he not necessarily behind for his age, but she wants us to stay on top of it.

Dylan playing in his froggy pool this weekend.

More of Dylan playing in the pool.

Dylan's nice shinner on the forehead after falling at daycare, I guess he wasn't used to his new shoes yet.

He got the hang of hitting the ball pretty quick.

Bigger bat, but it was a little too big.

Naked baby in the pool.

First time playing in the ocean, he actually really liked it.
Playing in the sand at Galveston.

Dyaln doing his dance before school, without pants on as you can see. I'm not sure where they are at.

Dyaln with a mohawk giving mommy a kiss.