Monday, May 3, 2010

New floors

We finally got our new floors Yeah! Thanks to Brian's parents for being kind enough to give them to us as a bonus for Brian finishing their house and to my parents for coming down to help us install them. Dylan absolutely loves being able to run his trucks wherever he wants. Every morning he wakes up and says "no carpet, Yeah!!" Ignore the spots on the photos I think my lens was dirty.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Zilker Park Kite Festival

These are photos from our first trip to the Zilker Park Kite Festival. We all had a blast, it is just so neat the amount of family friendly things you can do in Austin.

Dylans First Trip to the Zoo

We just made our first trip to the zoo a couple of weekends ago. Dylan absolutely loved it. Here are some pictures of the trip.

Photos for 2nd Bday

Celia was gracious enough to take some photos of us for Dylans 2nd birthday. They turned out great. Here are some for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gig' Em Aggies

I don't think we will have any problems with him when it comes decision time. Gig 'Em Aggies.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dylan with Santa

We decided to take Dylan to see Santa this past weekend at one of the local malls. The line was so long, we waited in line for like an hour and a half and we were two people away and Dylan started saying "Santa, Santa..." Next thing we know it was our turn and as soon as we put Dylan on Santa's lap he started crying. We got him to stop long enough to take one picture, it is the one on the bottom. All of the others are the ones we took with our camera.

For those of you that knew Jessica as a baby does this face look familar?

Professional Photo

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Pictures

Here are a few picture from Halloween, and the Race for The Cure. Enjoy!

Dylan learning to wash the car with Daddy.

Dylan and Brian at the Race.

Dylan, the dancing Pirate!

Riding in style on our way to go Trick or Treating.

I will kill you with cuteness!

Mommy and Dylan carving pumpkins.

Dylan very excited after seeing some ducks at the pumpkin patch.

Dyaln and Daddy on the hay ride at the pumpkin patch, and yes Brian is awake.