I know I have been a horrible person and haven't updated the blog in a long time. We have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks. Dylan started daycare, Jessica went back to work and I got busy with some of my homes. I will try to recount everything we have been through, but its hard to remember yesterday, you know.
Dylan has had an adventurous couple of weeks. Shortly after he started daycare he got a pretty nasty cold. He was really congested and we actually took him to the ER on a Sunday morning because he could barely breath. Luckily it was all in his throat and not in his chest. He then proceeded to get pink eye, and not a week later he picked up another cold, and we still dealing with that one right now. He has been exceptionally happy considering how he must feel, but because of all the sicknesses he's had he went through almost two weeks where he was not eating very much. We were very worried because he went from eating like 25 to 30 oz a day to like 10 to 15. The Dr. said to just keep an eye on him and they tend to eat less when they feel bad. This past week he has finally gotten his appetite back, so we are very happy. We are not sure how much he weighs right now, because our scale is a little finicky, but he's somewhere around 15 lbs.
Not much else to report at this time. We have his four month check-up on Tuesday so we will let ya'll know the weight on all the other fun stuff. I will post a bunch of pictures and some videos.
Dylan also made his first trip to Dallas last weekend. He had a blast playing with grandma and grandpa, and he loved the pool. We have great video.