Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Six Month Update
Sorry it has been so long since we last updated the blog for everyone. It has been extremely busy, both at work and with the family. Needless to say a lot has happened in the past few months. Dylan went to his six month check up yesterday and everything is coming along nicely. He weighed in at 16 lbs. 13 oz. He is a little on the small side weight wise, but not if you just look at the fat rolls he's accumulating.
As far as his other progress, it's been amazing. He can completely sit up now, with no problems. He has learned to roll from his back to his stomach, but not the other way yet. He is starting to scoot backwards a little while on his belly, but he mainly just turns in circles. The most amazing this is that he has gotten his first two bottom teeth. We figured he has been teething for a while because of all the drool, but he has not been fussy once, so we were really surprised this past weekend when we noticed them. Jessica noticed first, if you know what I mean.
Dylan is loving his daycare and all the friends he is making. Everyone thinks he is the cutest baby there, and of course we don't argue with them. He is also looking forward to Halloween. We are keeping his costume a surprise but I will put up pictures as soon as we have them.
The weather here has been greatly lately. Jessica, Dylan and I all did some body painting this weekend in the backyard. Dylan did most of it, while we just tried keeping from being to messy.
Here are a few pictures from the past couple of months. I will have some video up shortly.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dylan Eating
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Updated Pictures
Here is a little slideshow with some updated picrtures of Dylan, hope you enjoy. We bought a new video camera this weekend so I will be putting together some good videos to update the blog. It also came with some killer editing software, I used it a little on this slideshow. Anywayd eveything is going great here, just plugging a long.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Four Months and Growing
Dylan has had an adventurous couple of weeks. Shortly after he started daycare he got a pretty nasty cold. He was really congested and we actually took him to the ER on a Sunday morning because he could barely breath. Luckily it was all in his throat and not in his chest. He then proceeded to get pink eye, and not a week later he picked up another cold, and we still dealing with that one right now. He has been exceptionally happy considering how he must feel, but because of all the sicknesses he's had he went through almost two weeks where he was not eating very much. We were very worried because he went from eating like 25 to 30 oz a day to like 10 to 15. The Dr. said to just keep an eye on him and they tend to eat less when they feel bad. This past week he has finally gotten his appetite back, so we are very happy. We are not sure how much he weighs right now, because our scale is a little finicky, but he's somewhere around 15 lbs.
Not much else to report at this time. We have his four month check-up on Tuesday so we will let ya'll know the weight on all the other fun stuff. I will post a bunch of pictures and some videos.
Dylan also made his first trip to Dallas last weekend. He had a blast playing with grandma and grandpa, and he loved the pool. We have great video.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Three Month Update
Yes it does taste better than my milk.
Ready for a nice Saturday of running errands
My favorite stuffed doggy
Uncle Kyle just loves holding me
Me, mommy and daddy at aunt Kim's wedding
Our nightly walk to the mailbox
Who is the weird guy taking my picture?
oh, it's my daddy!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Growing Up Quickly
I will be putting a whole bunch of pictures up or the next couple of days. We have so many that I don't think I can put them all on one post.
As for Mr. Dylan. He has been plugging along. We have not been to the doctor since his two month check-up and wont go until four months, so we don't know exactly how much he weighs but from our scale he's somewhere between 12 1/2 and 13 lbs. It is truly amazing the rate at which they develop. He found his hands about two weeks ago, so of course they won't stay out of his mouth, but he has also started grabbing things, like some toys, his bottle, an stuff like that. It is really cool watching the progression.
This week was a very big week for all three of us. Dylan started day-care on Wednesday. We finally chose which one we wanted a couple of weeks ago, and went and had the intro meeting on Tuesday. His day-care is really nice and we think he will really enjoy going there to play and learn. Jessica starts back to work on Monday, so she is the one that has taken him and picked him up this week, but most of the time she will drop-off and I will pick up. Needless to say Wednesday was very hard for Jessica, it was the first time she had ever left Dylan for such an extended period of time, and with someone that wasn't family, but she is handling it pretty good now two days in. That's about all the big new right now, if I think of anything else I will add it to the other posts with the pictures.
Mommy and me dancing at Sally's wedding
We clean-up pretty good too
Just getting Samson ready for whats to come
I think the shirt says it all
Samson and Lilly don't yet understand why they can't play with Dylan's toys
How cute
My first time in a pool. I actually liked it
Daddy and me hanging out after breakfast in Colorado
I was just sitting here watching sports center while mommy and daddy were getting dressed
Me in my nice suit ready for the wedding.
More pictures and videos to come.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Two Month Update
The doctor said that his thrush is almost completely gone, but we should continue the meds until Monday. She also said he looks great, so I guess we are doing something right.
As for the shots, Jessica did not want to even be in the room, but she toughed it out. The doctor does it so quickly that its over in just a few seconds, but when they stuck that first needle in Dylan turned beat red and almost stopped breathing for a second, it was a little scary to say the least, but he made it.
Here are some new pictures we thought y'all might like to see.

I have an X rated version that I can upload, but Jessica did not want it up.
We thought it only fitting that since Dylan loves to poo in his towels that he wear a Pooh towel
Jessica giving Dylan his evening meal, man it must be great to be able to lounge like that while eating
Is it just us or does he look more and more like an orangutan everyday or what.
We got excited at first because we thought he was learning to play with his pacifier, but he just fell asleep on it and was stuck
Man those shots made me tired
My mommy likes to take pictures up my nose for some reason, I think she doesn't want it to be as big as daddy's, so she is always checking
I'm ready for a hug
Monday, June 16, 2008
His official 2 month check-up is not till the 18th this week, but he turned 8 weeks on Friday and we were really excited.
We have been putting Dylan in his room for about two weeks now, and it has been going great. When we decided to move him from our room to his, we also decided to try and just let him fall asleep without us rocking and doing anything to him. The first couple of nights it took anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes for him to fall asleep, but the past few nights it only takes 5 minutes. We think since he gets a bath every night, then eats, and then we put him in his room, he is catching on to the routine. We just hope that it sticks, but its good for now.
Dylan has yet to sleep through the night either. We started giving him a little formula at his last feeding to see if he would stay asleep for longer. We feed him around 8:30 to 9 and he still wakes up between 1 and 3 to eat again. We are hoping that will slowly stretch out. Last night he wanted to get up at 3 but we were able to give him a pacifier and he went down for another hour or so.
We made our second out of town trip to Houston this weekend for a wedding, and it was little better as far as traveling because we did not have to bring as much stuff. It remains to be seen if his schedule will be thrown off or not because of the trip, but we'll see.
Here are a few update pictures, hope ya'll enjoy:
Just relaxing at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Jessica at wedding
What a cute family (if you can't tell, Dylan has on his two piece pin-stripped suit. He was a hit with the ladies!)
Daddy changed me into my party outfit and I'm ready to go
Mommy and me dancing to the great music
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Dylan's Play Time
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Updated Photos
Who's ready to go to Hawaii
Damn I'm cute
You talk'n to me!
I'm ready for my close-up
This is color coordination if I ever seen it (Jessica's late night run to Sonic)
He may have been a little tired here.
Dylan and Samson snuggling on the couch
Dylan and the dogs watching TV on the couch
It looks like he may need to go on a diet from this picture